[maker-devel] maker-3.01.02-beta run error

Chuanlin Yin yincl2013 at 126.com
Tue Jan 23 08:01:17 MST 2018

Dear Mr/Ms,

Recently,when i want to use maker-3.01.02-beta for genome annotation. I had failed for the following error:

Can't call method "add_entry" without a package or object reference at /gpfs/bioinformatics/software/maker-3.01.02-beta/bin/../lib/Widget/snap.pm line 540.
--> rank=NA, hostname=c01n02
ERROR: Failed while annotating transcripts
ERROR: Chunk failed at level:1, tier_type:4
FAILED CONTIG:002369F_pilon_obj

Could you explain why it happened!

Much appreciated for any replies. Thanks.

Best regards!
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