[maker-devel] MPI selection

admin at genome.arizona.edu admin at genome.arizona.edu
Mon Jan 29 16:08:54 MST 2018

Hi, we have now three versions of MPI installed on our cluster, OpenMPI, 
MPICH, and MVAPICH2.  Since we have infiniband, the MVAPICH2 is working 
best with MPI test programs.  MPICH should support infiniband too but 
currently there are some seg faults with that we are trying to resolve.

On our cluster we have ~/.mpi-selection file which allows users to pick 
the MPI installation to use, and sets appropriate PATH and 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables.

I am looking through the Maker MPI instructions, and it seems that a 
certain mpicc and mpi.h must be chosen during installation.  So if 
originally, Maker was installed with MPICH, then would I have to 
reinstall it if users want to use MVAPICH2?  Or is there config file 
somewhere I can update so I don't have to reinstall Maker?  Or does 
nothing need to be done and we can rely on PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
variables pointing to correct mpicc and libmpi.so (mpi.h is in include 


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