[maker-devel] questions on master_datastore_index.log file

Qihua Liang qlian003 at ucr.edu
Thu Jan 4 14:36:18 MST 2018

Hi Ence,

When I searched for “E/error” in the output file, here is what first showed up:
Process::MpiChunk::__ANON__() called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Error.pm line 415
        eval {...} called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Error.pm line 407
        Error::subs::try(CODE(0x502bbb0), HASH(0x5007788)) called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Process/MpiChunk.pm line 4269
        Process::MpiChunk::_go(Process::MpiChunk=HASH(0x50a1a18), "flow", HASH(0x50ad0f0), 2, 0) called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Process/MpiChunk.pm line 378
        Process::MpiChunk::_flow(Process::MpiChunk=HASH(0x50a1a18), HASH(0x50ad0f0), 2, 0, Process::MpiTiers=HASH(0x4fb3350)) called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Process/MpiTiers.pm line 318
        Process::MpiTiers::__ANON__() called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Error.pm line 415
        eval {...} called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Error.pm line 407
        Error::subs::try(CODE(0x50a9348), HASH(0x4ff0ec0)) called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Process/MpiTiers.pm line 338
        Process::MpiTiers::_next_level(Process::MpiTiers=HASH(0x4fb3350)) called at /24-2/home/qliang/0.soft/maker/bin/../lib/Process/MpiTiers.pm line 179

Is this what you may need?


> On Jan 4, 2018, at 6:16 AM, Ence,daniel <d.ence at ufl.edu> wrote:
> Hi, Before we can give any help to debug it, we need the error messages. These should be in the same file that the “maker is finished” message is in. Look for the first error message (the one closest to the top of the file) and send that to the mailing list. 
> Thanks,
> Daniel 
>> On Jan 3, 2018, at 8:52 PM, Qihua Liang <qlian003 at ucr.edu> wrote:
>> Dear Maker Develop Team,
>> I have successfully run Maker for several times before. But I came across a strange thing days ago when I ran Maker again on a different assembly with the same input files and settings.
>> I saw the message of "Maker is now finished!!!” but got empty GFF3 and no fasta files. And then I checked the master_datastore_index.log and realized that there are a lot of “failed”s and “retry”s and “failed” again. What does this mean? Since I used same inputs as previous successful runs, could you provide some instructions on how to debug and solve it?
>> Thank you so much
>> Qihua
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